7 Habits of Highly Effective People


1.Be Proactive

Take control of your life. You have the freedom to choose how you respond to life’s circumstances.You are responsible for your own happiness, not anyone else.

To do :

  • Pause before you respond
  • Use proactive language  – ” I can’t.” to” I can.” , “it’s not my fault.” to “I’m sorry.” , “I have to .” to “I choose to”.

“It’s not what people do to us that hurts us; it’s our chosen response to what they do to us that hurts us.”


2.Begin with the End in mind

Discover your mission in life. Imagine and define your desired outcome before you act. Find out what are you natural gifts and talents.

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3. Put first things first

Spend time on what’s most important. Plan your weeks and organize your time. By managing your priorities, you will feel more calmer and in control.



4. Think win-win

Have abundance mentality. There is more than enough for everyone. Consider other people’s wins as you own.

“You don’t have to blow out the other person’s to let your own shine”


5. Seek first to understand , then to be understood

Listen to what people have to say first. Practice empathic listening.When you really listen and people feel understood,they will trust you and be more receptive to what you have to say. Your influence will grow.


6. Synergize

When you practice this habit. you work with others to come up with solutions to problems or create opportunities that are better than what you could have come up with on your own.

“Alone we can do little, together we can do so much.”

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7.Sharpen the saw

Think how can I invest in myself? Take time for yourself everyday because it will give you the ability to do everything else. Renew yourself in body, mind, heart and spirit. You are your most important asset.

  • Body – Exercise, nutrition , rest,stress management
  • Heart- Love, Have good relationship with yourself.
  • Mind- Reading, Writing, Learning, Study
  • Spirit-Service, inspirational literature, meditation,nature



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