Forgiveness in Manifestation

Forgiveness is important in manifestation. You must be wondering, you just want to manifest why do you need to forgive? See, before you can allow new things to come in to your life, you need to remove the things that no longer serves you. Resentment, anger, guilt, and pains of the past, holding grudges will cause you to vibrate negative in energy. When you have this negativity within you, how do you expect to be in high vibration? You must remove the negative vibes so that you are available for something better in your life. You must let go of clutter and baggage before you can bring something new in. The reason why many people are not manifesting what they desire is because  of the lack of forgiveness. You must forgive people, events, your past and most importantly yourself. You gain nothing from holding grudges.

For example, Lets talk about forgiving your past relationship. You had a bad relationship previously and now you are trying to attract a good partner. Everyday ,your mind and heart is always stuck in the past. You are always thinking and remembering the past bad incidents , the arguments, hurtful feelings and the unfairness that happened to you and you keep on  the thinking and feeling angry towards to Universe for making you go through this and always sitting  there hating and having anger thoughts in your mind, cursing the person in your past.

When you see look closely here, you are actually  wasting your energy on that has gone and  you do not have energy available to manifest, your energy is currently busy with the past and that is what you will attract in your future, you might also attract the same type of bad relationship again with your current vibration. Where else if you forgive the past, and forgive the person, let go and move on and you will have so much energy available in you to manifest.

This forgiveness might takes time to heal, but once you decided that you want to forgive, you surely will be able to do this. It’s all in the mind. Practice this, whenever you notice your mind wondering at the events again, quickly bring back your mind to the present moment, forgive you self for thinking about it again. Then, change your thought by visualizing the things that you are looking for in your future partner. When you start to visualize and change your emotions, guess what, you are now in more positive vibration and you are on track in manifesting  your future relationship.

Forgiveness is easier than not forgiving someone. Forgiveness, holding grudges takes a lot of energy. When we are not forgiving, your mind will dwell in resentment and anger and you are in a victim stage and you can’t manifest something positive in your life if you playing a victim role.Forgiveness does not only resolves and remove all negativity it also frees you. You will have peace of mind and you will begin to heal from inside.

The people who hurt you only did the best they could do based on their level of consciousness at that moment. Let go and forgive them, Just because you have forgive them doesn’t mean that what they did to you was right. But this process is to free yourself. You have to be responsible to heal yourself. You have to do the work. You need to remove the negative attachments you have with that person.

Self-forgiveness is the most important. You must forgive yourself. Non-forgiveness is a limiting condition, you must learn to forgive yourself and make peace with the past. Past is gone, you can’t change it, so do not dwell into the past and be in sadness and guilt. If you don’t forgive yourself for your past mistakes and wrongdoings, you will feel you are unworthy of good things in your life, and you feel undeserving of having more than what you have now.

Finally, let go of judgment. The more you let go of judgement the more you will feel motivated to forgive. Remember the universe does not attract stuff you tried manifesting two years ago, it only sees what you feel in the present moment and you desire for the future.Stop wasting energy on something you can’t do anything about anymore. Forgiveness is not weakness, you are strong thus you can forgive.

The most important person you must forgive is yourself. You must forgive yourself. Some people they forgive everybody and every event but they forgot to forgive themselves. You are the most important person.Release the judgement of guilt, resentment, anger. By repressing the negative emotions, you will just hurt yourself, and slowly this might turn out to be disease ans pain in your body, The energy then gets stuck in your body.

Let me give you another example.Let’s say you want to manifest a better job. You been stuck at the same boring job for years and you just need a better job that excites you and at the same time pay you better.Everyday you are blaming yourself for not working hard enough in the past, or thinking that you should jump to other company earlier or you feel that you are just unlucky in  getting jobs. You see the colleagues who came to the company after you are getting promoted twice and you feel bad about yourself. You start your blame story and you go to bed with heart full  envy and jealously towards the co-workers and feel bad about yourself  and cry yourself to bed at night.You keep doing this everyday and you expect a better job to come to you.

Let’s see what are the mistakes here. Firstly,you are not forgiving yourself, You keep blaming yourself for not working hard, you are blaming yourself for not moving to other company earlier. So in this scenario, the first person you must forgive is you self. Tell yourself that  it’s fine. Stop blaming yourself for the failure of  your career. You must forgive your past, you did that because you were afraid that the other company that you could join wouldn’t be the stable one.You had family to feed, you just couldn’t take the risk at that time, Its not your fault. You did what was best for you at that time.

Whenever we see people getting what we want, we usual’s jump into feeling of jealousy and envious towards them. Remember this. when you see someone having what you want, it’s a sign and evidence that what you want is also possible for you.

Forgive yourself and then forgive your envious thoughts,forgive yourself for thinking that way towards that person and send love to that person, you may also mentally say sorry to them. Now you are free and you are available to manifest a better job.

Forgive your past mistakes, your past miseries, your past has gone and you can’t control it anymore. Everything happens for a reason.You can use it as a lesson to make better future decisions.Everything happened to you is to make you stronger.You need to forgive and let go only then you will be able to put your full energy into the future.The past has gone. Now you have the power all you need to change your life.

Lewis B. Smedes said: “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” Its time to release and free yourself. Universe doesn’t dwell on the past of anything that is already done. What happened doesn’t matter anymore. The Universe is only obedient to  what is happening in the present and what you are planning for the future. Remember where you focus goes there is where your energy flows. Keep forgiving, miracles will start to happen in your life.

“Forgiveness doesn’t excuse their behaviour. Forgiveness prevents their behaviour from destroying your heart.”- Buddha

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