10 Lessons from The Universe Has Your Back – Gabrielle Bernstein 

This is my first time getting to know Gabrielle Bernstein and reading Gabrielle Bernstein’s book. I really love her writings. I felt so connected and I could resonate with everything that she says. It’s a great book with real-life experiences. She shared how she managed to transform her fears into faith. She also shared some very powerful prayers that could change our thoughts and to connect ourselves with the Universe.

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Below are 10 lessons that I would like to share from the book that can help us to connect with the Universe.

  1. Surrender to the beat of the music – When you begin to dance with the energy of the Universe, your life flows naturally, incredible synchronicity presents itself, creative solutions abound, and you experience freedom.

  2.  Whenever you notice yourself disconnect from the presence of love, say this prayer to come back to peace. “I witness that I am out of alignment with my power. I choose to see peace instead of this. “

  3. Choose to see your difficulties( lack ,judgment, fear )with the eyes of love. Say this prayer: ” Thank You, Universe, for guiding me to perceive this fear through the teacher of love.”

  4. Judgement.When you noticed yourself judging others. Forgive the thought and then say this prayer- “I recognize that I have chosen wrongly, I forgive this thought, and I choose again. I choose love.”

  5. Forgive your thoughts with this prayer: “I recognize that I have chosen fear, and I choose again. I choose love.”

  6. Be in alignment with your presence and be connected. Allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you naturally but setting aside all limiting beliefs and smallness and realigned with the thoughts, words and feelings of love.

  7. Love is the answer. The greatest block to our presence of love is the presence of fear. Fear cuts off our connection to our power. Allow the loving energy of the Universe to guide our thoughts from littleness and doubt baCk to love with this prayer: ” I step back and let the Universe lead the way.”

  8. Have fun with the Universe. The Universe is our loving friend.When you need help, ask. Prayer for a creative solution: “Thank you Universe for opening up to creative possibilities, We surrender our plans to you. Show us what you’ve got.”

  9. Miracles are natural. When they do not occur, something has gone wrong. “I focus my attention on the love that is around me and I expect miracles.”

  10. Begin each day with these words: Today I surrender my goals and plans to the care of the Universe. I offer up my agenda and accept spiritual guidance. I trust that there is a plan greater than mine. I know that where there once was lack and limitation there are spiritual solutions and creative ideas. I step back and let love lead the way. Thy will be done.


When you notice you are unaligned with your power and you are in low vibe. Practice these steps:

  1. Notice it. be honest with what you feel. Recognize that your words and beliefs are blocking the support of the Universe. Then say this prayer: “I am determined to see this with love. I surrender this story and let the Universe to do her thing.”
  2. Get clear on how you want to feel. How does it feel like to be in a place of joy?
  3. Ask for your sign. Also means that you are willing to collaborate with the Universe. You can ask for a sign to guide you toward anything you desire, maybe numbers like 111, 444, songs, animals, fragrance. etc.
  4. Turn it over to the Universe and be patient. This is the surrendering process. Clear up all of your fears and strengthen your faith. Embrace the peace within and surrender the outcome to the Universe. Live in peace regards of the outcome. Remember to realign your energy of love.
  5.  Welcome creative possibilities. Trust the Universe. Pray this: ” Thank you, Universe, for transforming limitations and doubts into creative possibilities.” Tap into our childlike self and commit to unlearning the limitations of the world to remember the playfulness of our true essences, which is love.

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You have denied your power for far too long. Now is your time to receive love, light, and a sense of deep connection.

The prayer of Truth

I call the energy of the Universe to guide my thoughts back to love. I surrender the false perceptions I have placed upon myself. I forgive these thoughts and I know that I am love. I am peace. I am compassion. I am the Universe.



Thank you all for reading. I really hope you all got some value from what I shared from this amazing book. It really helped me and  I will continue to remind myself of these lessons. Let’s turn ourselves back to love. The Universe has our back. 🙂

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